Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland
A review of Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland – The Society of Artists’ Exhibitions Recreated, an exhibition organised by the Irish Georgian Society to mark the restoration of the City Assembly House and to celebrate the Society of Artists in Ireland who erected the building over 250 years ago.
Behind Me, Ahead of Me
For the past two years I’ve looked back on the year that was ‘in art’, that is to say listing the places and the art exhibitions visited, but this time I feel I can’t leave out a couple of events that made the year truly memorable.
Enchanting Jacquemart-André Museum
Visiting what once was the private home of banker Édouard André and artist Nélie Jacquemart in Paris.
Dublin Type
Once upon a time I used to stroll around the streets of Dublin with a DSLR camera around my neck looking for attractive and unusual type fonts and styles. The town and its surroundings never failed to deliver.
Glittering Vienna
Ooh Vienna! One single late afternoon walk around the Innere Stadt had me smitten with the city!
Photo Opportunity
Every now and then, a notification that invites me to take photos and add them to Google Map appears in the upper left-hand corner of my mobile. I haven't turn it off yet because it amuses me more often than not.
A ‘Trop Athlétique’ Napoleon
Last year, in the space of just a couple of months, I came across a statue of a naked Napoleon twice.
Copenhagen and Beyond
Like the true festival lover that I am, last year in March I decided to go away for the long St Patrick’s weekend and flew west to Copenhagen.
Milan. It All Started with a Fresco
I had visited the city before but I'd never had the opportunity to see the Cenacolo Vinciano, for this is the kind of attraction you are more likely to find in a list of works-of-art-to-see-before-you-die than an adventure generator for spontaneous travellers.